The constitution guarantees anyone accused of a felony the right to a defense attorney
Update on Voting Rights for Persons on Parole
Voting is a right that must be exercised.
Paid Jailors Must Be Accountable to the Public
Sheriffs need better oversight. The forefeitures they collect must be disclosed through stronger transparency.
The Right to Vote is an American Principle
Voting is a uniquely American institution but it has come under attack. Those vulnerable citizens, including those on parole, must be allowed the right to vote as a way to bring them back into society.
3553 a factors -- Can They Help Me and My Case?
By the time someone reaches the court system, many factors have already been in play to their personal detriment -- and the court seems to be the final straw. Even persons who have never been involved in a court case before who now find themselves in harm's way are human beings with complex liv...
San Francisco District Attorney Advocates for Using Grand Juries
Grand Juries, because they are expedited proceedings, might not be in the best interest of the defendant
Prop 25: Money Bail or Automatic Release?
A yes vote on Proposition 25 allows defendants to be released from jail before trial based on the risk of them not committing another crime or becoming a flight risk. No fees are charged as a condition of release.
Clients who Need Mental Health Assistance Can Get Help
The San Francisco Chronicle reported today that efforts are underway to provide crisis response teams to those in our society who are mentally ill and are in tremendous pain living on public streets. Oftentimes these illnesses degenerate into a downward cycle that includes homelessness and crimi...
What I Know About Martial Arts and How It Has Made Me a Better Lawyer
Martial Arts is an ancient practice that can be applied in our modern courts
Update on Corona Virus and Jails
Covid - 19 Is Not Going Away Anytime Soon
Corona Virus - How Bad Can It Get?
How Does Corona Virus Impact My Case? Let Me Count the Ways by Harris Taback
How Best Can Doctors Legally Manage Oxycontin?
Prescription Drugs Are Miraculous and have Few Legal Use Guidelines
Police Blunder Search in Spectacular Manner
Police are wrong in journalist's home break-in.
What Your Lawyer Should Say to the Jury
Juries are the most important factor that stands between the accused and the Government. It is the power of the jury that upholds the democratic principles of liberty and justice that our Country is founded upon.
ICE Readies Itself to Make Arrests in California
ICE, the Immigration Customs Enforcement Agency, has become the biggest enforcer of our Government's intolerance of refugees and others entitled to a fair hearing before they are allowed safe entry into the United States.
The Need for Strong Representation in Federal Court
When we Honor Veterans Day and the sacrifice that has been made to protect our freedoms and liberties, it is essential that we take a moment to realize how important our constitution protections are. This is especially so given the hostility many Federal Judges nominated by President Trump...
Katt Williams – Sacramento Bee
Comedian Katt Williams finally shows up in Sacramento Court By Anne Gonzales afgonzales@sacbee After a year of more drama than comedy, entertainer Katt Williams stood in a Sacramento courtroom Wednesday pledging to get serious about showing up for future court dates. The celebrity...
Katt Williams – New York Times
A Comic's Fifth Second Chance Katt Williams Aims to Transcend His Fraught History By DAVE ITZKOFF JAN. 19, 2014 Deep into a raucous comedy set at Symphony Hall here on Friday night, Katt Williams briefly halted his mockery of the Boston Marathon bombers, the Roman Catholic Church and raciall...