IRS and Taxes
Tax evasion/Tax avoidance
Tax evasion is the illegal evasion of taxes by individuals, corporations, and trusts. Tax evasion often entails taxpayers deliberately misrepresenting the true state of their affairs to the tax authorities to reduce their tax liability, and it includes dishonest tax reporting, such as declaring less income, profits or gains than the amounts actually earned, or overstating deductions.
Tax evasion is an activity commonly associated with the informal economy.[1] One measure of the extent of tax evasion (the "tax gap") is the amount of unreported income, which is the difference between the amount of income that should be reported to the tax authorities and the actual amount reported.
In contrast, tax avoidance is the legal use of tax laws to reduce one's tax burden. Both tax evasion and tax avoidance can be viewed as forms of tax noncompliance, as they describe a range of activities that intend to subvert a state's tax system, but such classification of tax avoidance is disputable since avoidance is lawful in self-creating systems.[2]
Both State and Federal regulations that require legitimate taxes to paid, and to be paid properly. When improper handling of personal or business finances that impact taxes owed or levied, criminal repercussions could be the result. If the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is notified and an audits results that is unfavorable, your money, business and freedom may be at stake. Further, federal criminal tax charges can result in imprisonment. United States District Court Judges treat the sentencing of convicted tax offenders extremely seriously in order to send a message to all taxpayers to not cheat the system as it is honor based. Should you find yourself charged in a criminal tax violation case or are under investigation for tax crimes contact our office immediately.
Being in trouble because of a criminal tax liability is a situation that nobody wants to be in. We can assist you in defending yourself in a criminal tax case.